Monday (4-Nov-24) (4-Nov-24)
Board 1
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
431NT N5H-1 5053
752S NKH-1 5053
922S N7C=110 80
1062H E2S= 11008
1111NT NKH-2 10026
Board 2
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
434D EAC-2100 80
752NT EAC= 12044
923NT E2H+1 43008
1062S WKD= 11062
1112NT E9C+1 15026
Board 3
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
432H EKS+1 14053
752H EAC+1 14053
921NT W5S= 9080
1061NT W9S+2 15026
1114H EAC= 62008
Board 4
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
174H W3S+2 68035
543H WTD+3 23080
9124S WTD= 62062
1034H W3D+3 71008
1124H W5C+2 68035
Board 5
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
173NT E8C+4 52062
546NT E8C+1 102008
9126S W8D+1 101035
1036S W8H+1 101035
1124S W2H+2 48080
Board 6
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
175H EQD= 65044
544H E5D+1 65044
9124H E9C+1 65044
1034H E5D+1 65044
1125H E3C= 65044
Board 7
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
142C ETD+2 13053
654H NAD-2 20008
974C W8C= 13053
1131NT E4H+3 18026
12102H S3C+1140 80
Board 8
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
143S EKH-150 62
653NT N4S-2 10017
974S WAH-3150 80
1134D N9C-1 5044
12105D N9C-2 10017
Board 9
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
143NT NTC+3490 71
654S S5D+2480 44
973NT STD+2460 26
1133NT N2D+1430 08
12103NT N6C+3490 71
Board 10
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1123H NQC-2 20008
253NT N6H+1630 80
393S E4C-2200 53
762S E3D-2200 53
1142S E4C-1100 26
Board 11
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1121NT W4D+3 18044
251NT W4D+1 12062
391NT W4D= 9080
764H W2S= 42017
1144H W4D= 42017
Board 12
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1122H E4D+2 17026
252H EQC+1 14053
394H EAD= 42008
762H EAD+1 14053
1143H EAD-150 80
Board 13
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
194H SJS-3 30008
364S EAH-2200 71
4104D NKS+1150 44
1154H S8S-2 20026
1223S EJC-2200 71
Board 14
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
194H W8C= 42026
364H WKS= 42026
4103S N5H=140 80
1154H W8C= 42026
1225H W8C-150 62
Board 15
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
193NT W4C+2 46035
363NT W4C+2 46035
4103NT W5C+1 43071
1153NT W4C+3 49008
1223NT W4C+1 43071
Board 16
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
2102NT N6H+1150 53
3123D S8S=110 26
472H E9C-4400 80
512NT N6H+1150 53
1163D S8S-1 5008
Board 17
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
2103S EAC= 14044
3123S EAH= 14044
474S W5H= 42008
514S EAC-150 80
1163S WAD= 14044
Board 18
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
2104H S2D+1650 62
3124H S4C+1650 62
474S NTD=620 26
514H S6D+1650 62
1162S N6H+1140 08
Board 19
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
312S S3D+1140 44
624S NAD-1 5008
1092S STC+1140 44
1172S SQH+2170 80
1242S STC+1140 44
Board 20
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
313S S8D+1170 08
624S S8D=620 62
1094S S8D=620 62
1173S S2D+2200 26
1244S S8D=620 62
Board 21
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
314S NAC+1650 44
626C WAH-2100 08
1094S NAC+1650 44
1174S NAC+1650 44
1245SX NAC=850 80
Board 22
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1102S S7D-2 10062
422NT W6S= 12044
5123C EKS+1 13026
694SX SQC-3 50008
733NT W8D-1100 80
Board 23
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1101H E4D+1 11071
422H EJS= 11071
5121NT SQD-3 30008
691NT W3C+2 15026
731NT W7D+1 12044
Board 24
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1103NT EAD= 40044
424H W9C= 42017
5124H W9C= 42017
693H W9C-2100 80
733H W9C+2 20062
Board 25
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
212D WAH-3300 80
532D WAH-1100 62
7102NT N6C-2 10035
1192H SAS-2 10035
1262H SJC-3 15008
Board 26
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
215H NJD=650 44
534H NJD+1650 44
7103NT S6C+2660 80
1193NT NJD+1630 08
1264H N5C+1650 44
Board 27
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
214H N4C+1450 80
534H N5S=420 44
7104H N3D=420 44
1193H NTC+1170 08
1264H N4C=420 44
Board 28
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
323D NAC+3170 26
644S SJC-1 10008
7125D NAC+1620 62
955D NAC+1620 62
11105D NAC+1620 62
Board 29
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
321NT W2C+1 12017
642S EAH= 11044
7121NT W2C+1 12017
953D EAH-1100 80
11102D EAH= 9062
Board 30
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
324S W3D-2100 80
644S W4H-150 35
7124S E2D-150 35
955D ETH-150 35
11105D EAC-150 35

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